Our Vision
Our vision is to maintain a professional association that helps industry stakeholders form the partnerships necessary to drive innovation in Africa’s growing urban agriculture sector.
Much in the same way that a conference brings individual entities under one roof to discuss and solve problems. In this way, our members can organize their efforts, collaborate to overcome problems and form partnerships that will drive individual success and move Africa's agriculture industry come forward sustainably. Feeding each family along the way.
By providing a platform for collaboration, we can help Africa’s urban farmers:
Plan diversified production and offer higher-value produce
Increase collective bargaining power with other links in the value chain
Access new markets
Ensure a year-round supply of fresh produce that improves local food security
Our Mission
We aim to promote the voice of those who believe that greater coordination is essential to changing the way the public and the government think about smart agriculture. By changing public opinion, we can influence government policy that incentives urban agriculture initiatives and supports the smallest farmers to become successful.
We will fulfil this mission by building a network of individuals, organizations, and research institutions in Africa’s urban agriculture sector- our vehicle is a digital platform that connects these stakeholders, helping to increase coordination and collective action within the industry. A better-organized urban agriculture strategy serves the broader goals of:
Urban environmental management and climate change action
Job creation and economic development
Food and nutrition security
Poverty alleviation and urban uplift
The AAVF exists to promote the interests of its members, giving them the possibility to use their voice and helping them access new opportunities, investors and markets.
The Association shall pursue the following aim(s):
to promote greater awareness of the Urban Agriculture (UA) scene in Africa.
to support new methods of food production that improve nutrition and food security.
to create sustainable management and use of natural resources.
to introduce capacity building for sustained management of natural resources and increased agriculture production as well as charitable purposes.